AIM:To evaluate the diagnostic value of assaying telomeraseactivity in ascites cells for the differential diagnosis ofm......
Gastric cancer usually is diagnosed in advanced stages and thus current medical practice affords limited therapeutic opt......
In order to improve work performance of M aglev vibration test systems,the relationships of operating parameters between......
0 引言 安徽的许多重大建设项目位于长江、淮河等水系的沿岸地区,这些地区广泛分布着淤泥、淤泥质土等软弱沉积层。这些软弱层的......
Diversity of amplified esterase B genes responsible for organophosphate resistance in Culex quinquef
DiversityofamplifiedesteraseBgenesresponsiblefororganophosphateresistanceinCulexquinquefasciatus from ChinaXuJiannong(徐建农);Qu.........